Monday, February 21, 2011

This cold is definitely getting in my way...

Alpha Chi Girls: Sara, Me, Raspy, and Maggie
So Friday night's Alpha Chi girls night out was a blast!! We started out at the Wine Tap in Belleville and then proceeded to Big Daddy's 618. There wasn't a lot of people out but we had fun. Raspy's dad joined us for the festivities as did Sara and Maggie's boyfriends. I ran into some old friends and made some new ones :) I can't wait for our next adventure! We decided that we are going to start doing Alpha Chi Girls Night In and we are each going to take turns making dinner and drinks for each other. Apparently our girls nights get a little expensive haha.

So after a fun Friday night, my weekend went drastically downhill :( I caught Sophia's cold, so now I am a sneezing, sniffling, coughing mess. And I had two tests to study for: Biochemistry and Microbiology. Studying for those normally is not fun, but trying to do it with a head cold is even worse. Ugh! But I somehow managed to remember almost everything for my Biochem test today (Fingers crossed for an A!) and now I am trying to motivate myself to study for Microbiology but it doesn't seem to be working out....hence why I am writing this entry haha.

Sophia and Jack playing in a fish tent on Friday

On another note, my job search is still continuing. I found out the other day that the research job I interviewed for at Wash U got moved to Florida :( So not cool! The lady emailed me letting me know that and apologizing for taking so long to get back to me. Oh well...guess I will keep applying. What really sucks is that I keep finding all these research positions I want to do but they are full time and I can only work part time right now. The one that really made me sad was one working with Alzheimer's research....ahhh my passion. But I was made aware of a summer research program this summer working in Alzheimer's research but they only take 6 undergrads. I am working on my application now so fingers crossed. It would be amazing to get to do something I love like that while prepping for med school!

Okay, I have procrastinated enough....time to start studying....Oh joy!

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