Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hey There! Hi There! Ho There!

So I decided to try my hand at this whole blogging thing but who knows how it will go. So a little bit about name is Cassie and I live in Belleville, IL. Since I am a poor college student (story of my life), I live at home but I'm fine with it for now. Better than getting myself into even more debt, right? I'm 25 and the mom to one cute little princess, Sophia.

After a couple years in college, switching colleges, and changing majors a couple times, I finally graduated with my Bachelor's in Psychology. However, that is not the end of my college journey. After my best friend since kindergarten, Kurt, passed away my junior year of college, I decided that I needed to do some soul searching and decide what I really wanted to do with my life and what was going to make me happy. Life is too short, I've learned, so might as well take some chances and be happy with your life. That soul searching took me to Orlando, FL for a semester working for the Big Mouse, aka Mickey and Disney World. I came home wanting to be a doctor instead of an advertising guru and realizing my college home of Cape G was not the place to do that. So I decided to stay home in Belleville (much to the dislike of my SEMO and Alpha Chi friends) and go to school in St Louis. So why is my school career still continuing? Welp, I am concentrating on improving my Science GPA and overall GPA (due to some hiccups in life) in preparation for applying to med school. See...I really am going to be a student for life haha.

Enough about the school life though, on to my real life. Like I said I live at home with my amazing parents, my perfect daughter, my brother, and a crazy dog and crazier cat. Sophia is 2 and I am currently planning a vacay to Disney World for her 3rd birthday....I'm pretty sure I am more excited about it than she is but mainly cuz she has no idea what Disney World is! But more about that vacay later....

Back to ME! So I am a pretty happy person and I love to have fun and enjoy to laugh. I love to paint and draw though a lack of time has put quite the damper on that hobby :( and I have quite the shopping problem...though since becoming a mom, it has moved from buying things for myself to buying things for the little one. Her closet is insane!

So there ya go....a brief intro to moi! I am sure you will learn more about the wonderfullness (and not so wonderfullness) of my life....hopefully it isn't too boring!

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