Friday, February 18, 2011

Okay Funny Story...

So yesterday I was on the metro (the train I ride into St Louis everyday to go to class) on my way to campus when this woman gets on the train. I guess the girl in the first seat had her bag next to her on the seat so the woman sat in the seat behind her. Then all of a sudden, this woman starts talking loudly about how you shouldn't put things on the seat next to you to prevent people from sitting with you. Mind you, nearly half the train had their bag sitting next to them (myself included haha) and the train wasn't even that full. So this woman continues to lecture this girl and then all of a sudden gives her her phone number and makes sure she puts it in her phone and tells her to call her. I guess she has a daughter her age and thought they would get along. Seriously....then the woman got off the train and the entire train burst into laughter. It was probably the most awkward 10 minutes on a train ever....well except for when the incredibly drunk older man kept switching seats and talking to everyone. So yeah....that was my wonderful character of St Louis story of the week haha.

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