Friday, February 25, 2011

More interesting stories courtesy of the Metrolink...

This happened yesterday...So not only did I miss my train home from class by one minute, but it was raining and super cold and I was drenched from head to toe. Not fun. But anywho, that is not the story that I was going to tell.
While I was waiting for the next train to come (a whole 12 minutes of waiting to be exact. Thank goodness UMSL splurged and put in heat lamps), this girl stands next to me...she doesn't say anything at first and then she starts talking about the horrible weather, cuz well it is horrible. Then she starts telling me how she bought a snow shovel for the first time this year and how she is going to Louisville this summer for her best friend's wedding...seriously her whole life story. I wish I could say this is the first time this has happened to me, but it is not. I guess I have one of those faces that people feel they can talk to and tell their entire lives to.
Anyway, so then she asks me what I'm studying and I tell her I'm pre-med, and she proceeds to tell me to beware of my male counterparts in med school cuz they are assholes. Okay, I say, understandable based on some of the pre-med guys I have encountered. Then she tells me to not even bother dating any of them cuz you never know how they will turn out after med school and that all the doctors she has dates have been jerks. My first thought is doctors, plural? How many doctors has this girl dated? But before I could ask that question, she found a new random person to chat up...very strange this girl.

So then the train finally comes and as I get on a notice a guy selling Snickers bars...I guess ya gotta give it to the guy. I mean he's trying to make a living even if it is by selling candy bars he bought by the box for more money than they are worth to hungry rail riders. He wasn't pushy with his selling technique either. He just walked by and asked politely if I'd like to buy a candy bar. Unfortunately for him, I do not buy candy bars from strange people on trains so he did not get my money. Perhaps if he employed the technique of selling them for an odd price like $1.38 then maybe he would have sold more. It has been proven that people are more likely to part with their money if the price is odd. Why do you think items are always listed as $x.99 and not just $x?

Well those were my two interesting encounters yesterday that brought a little light into my rainy day haha. Here's hoping for warmer days soon!

Monday, February 21, 2011

This cold is definitely getting in my way...

Alpha Chi Girls: Sara, Me, Raspy, and Maggie
So Friday night's Alpha Chi girls night out was a blast!! We started out at the Wine Tap in Belleville and then proceeded to Big Daddy's 618. There wasn't a lot of people out but we had fun. Raspy's dad joined us for the festivities as did Sara and Maggie's boyfriends. I ran into some old friends and made some new ones :) I can't wait for our next adventure! We decided that we are going to start doing Alpha Chi Girls Night In and we are each going to take turns making dinner and drinks for each other. Apparently our girls nights get a little expensive haha.

So after a fun Friday night, my weekend went drastically downhill :( I caught Sophia's cold, so now I am a sneezing, sniffling, coughing mess. And I had two tests to study for: Biochemistry and Microbiology. Studying for those normally is not fun, but trying to do it with a head cold is even worse. Ugh! But I somehow managed to remember almost everything for my Biochem test today (Fingers crossed for an A!) and now I am trying to motivate myself to study for Microbiology but it doesn't seem to be working out....hence why I am writing this entry haha.

Sophia and Jack playing in a fish tent on Friday

On another note, my job search is still continuing. I found out the other day that the research job I interviewed for at Wash U got moved to Florida :( So not cool! The lady emailed me letting me know that and apologizing for taking so long to get back to me. Oh well...guess I will keep applying. What really sucks is that I keep finding all these research positions I want to do but they are full time and I can only work part time right now. The one that really made me sad was one working with Alzheimer's research....ahhh my passion. But I was made aware of a summer research program this summer working in Alzheimer's research but they only take 6 undergrads. I am working on my application now so fingers crossed. It would be amazing to get to do something I love like that while prepping for med school!

Okay, I have procrastinated enough....time to start studying....Oh joy!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Okay Funny Story...

So yesterday I was on the metro (the train I ride into St Louis everyday to go to class) on my way to campus when this woman gets on the train. I guess the girl in the first seat had her bag next to her on the seat so the woman sat in the seat behind her. Then all of a sudden, this woman starts talking loudly about how you shouldn't put things on the seat next to you to prevent people from sitting with you. Mind you, nearly half the train had their bag sitting next to them (myself included haha) and the train wasn't even that full. So this woman continues to lecture this girl and then all of a sudden gives her her phone number and makes sure she puts it in her phone and tells her to call her. I guess she has a daughter her age and thought they would get along. Seriously....then the woman got off the train and the entire train burst into laughter. It was probably the most awkward 10 minutes on a train ever....well except for when the incredibly drunk older man kept switching seats and talking to everyone. So yeah....that was my wonderful character of St Louis story of the week haha.

I Wish the Warm Sun Would Stay...

So this week we have been spoiled with wonderful Spring/Early Summer like weather. Yesterday the temps were in the 70's and it was AMAZING! But unfortunately the warmth is not here to stay. Back to 30's/40's next week....BOO!

I just hope it stays warm enough for our Alpha Chi Girls Night tonight in the BelleVegas....a nice night sitting on the patio at the Wine Tap would be perfect! A girls night out is definitely needed after I spent all week studying for my Biochem and Microbiology tests I have on Monday and not looking forward to those.

I'll post all about the fun that happens tonight tomorrow, but for now its off to bake some cookies with Sophia for her to take to Aunt Mindy's for their sleepover!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy v-day y'all! Last night, my mom, Sophia, and I hit up Target to pick up some Valentine's cards for Sophia to take to daycare today for her pizza party and my goodness it was a madhouse! Shelves were wrecked and people were in every aisle...way to be, procrastinators!

Anywho...I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's day....mine will be spent in class and then off to a tutoring job...then maybe snuggling with my little princess and watching a random Disney movie....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I think I need an intervention....

The first step is admitting you have a problem...and I am addicted to the Food Network. I watch it for hours on end and stalk out the Food Network website for all the tasty recipes. Okay so maybe it isn't a real problem and my tastebuds love me when I try out the recipes but I figured I should admit my addiction to the world anyway!

On a side note, I have been sneezing non-stop all morning which can only mean one thing....spring weather is on its way! My nose is like my own personal groundhog. But besides the sneezing, I am very excited for a bit of warm weather. I am tired of all the snow we have had, though Sophia does love playing in it. Every morning she sees the snow and asks, "Mommy, Mommy, snow?"

But enough with the cold weather! I am ready to get to run outside, take Sophia to the park, relax in the warmth of the sun, and eventually head to the lake for boating fun! But that last one will be a couple months...

Hey There! Hi There! Ho There!

So I decided to try my hand at this whole blogging thing but who knows how it will go. So a little bit about name is Cassie and I live in Belleville, IL. Since I am a poor college student (story of my life), I live at home but I'm fine with it for now. Better than getting myself into even more debt, right? I'm 25 and the mom to one cute little princess, Sophia.

After a couple years in college, switching colleges, and changing majors a couple times, I finally graduated with my Bachelor's in Psychology. However, that is not the end of my college journey. After my best friend since kindergarten, Kurt, passed away my junior year of college, I decided that I needed to do some soul searching and decide what I really wanted to do with my life and what was going to make me happy. Life is too short, I've learned, so might as well take some chances and be happy with your life. That soul searching took me to Orlando, FL for a semester working for the Big Mouse, aka Mickey and Disney World. I came home wanting to be a doctor instead of an advertising guru and realizing my college home of Cape G was not the place to do that. So I decided to stay home in Belleville (much to the dislike of my SEMO and Alpha Chi friends) and go to school in St Louis. So why is my school career still continuing? Welp, I am concentrating on improving my Science GPA and overall GPA (due to some hiccups in life) in preparation for applying to med school. See...I really am going to be a student for life haha.

Enough about the school life though, on to my real life. Like I said I live at home with my amazing parents, my perfect daughter, my brother, and a crazy dog and crazier cat. Sophia is 2 and I am currently planning a vacay to Disney World for her 3rd birthday....I'm pretty sure I am more excited about it than she is but mainly cuz she has no idea what Disney World is! But more about that vacay later....

Back to ME! So I am a pretty happy person and I love to have fun and enjoy to laugh. I love to paint and draw though a lack of time has put quite the damper on that hobby :( and I have quite the shopping problem...though since becoming a mom, it has moved from buying things for myself to buying things for the little one. Her closet is insane!

So there ya go....a brief intro to moi! I am sure you will learn more about the wonderfullness (and not so wonderfullness) of my life....hopefully it isn't too boring!